Dear SoAP Members,
We hope you’re having a good start to 2024! It’s been a busy start for the Program Committee, and we are happy to give you an update on the SoAP Programming for the 2024 APA Convention that will take place August 8-10 in Seattle, WA.
First off, we would like to thank SoAP members for submitting and reviewing our program submissions. This was a big accomplishment because our division had an unprecedented number of high-quality submissions, including 25% more symposium submissions, compared to last year. Additionally, this year APA reduced all its divisions’ allotted programming hours. Unfortunately, SoAP’s were cut by approximately 20%. Taken together, these points made our selection process highly competitive.
The resulting stellar programming includes divisional and collaborative symposia, posters, and skillbuilding sessions elevating SoAP’s 2024 theme, “Reimagining Addiction: Centering Equity and Racial Justice in Addiction Research, Treatment, and Prevention,” which was chosen by trailblazing leader in health equity and addiction treatment research, Dr. Seema Clifasefi, SoAP’s 2024 President.
This year’s programming also emphasizes key Division 50 and APA priorities, including early career and student contributions, collaboration across divisions, and opportunities for professional and student networking. Throughout the programming, we are proud to feature scientific as well as communitybased expert perspectives on addiction treatment. In an exciting new initiative, SoAP Leadership has established the American Board of Addiction Psychology (ABAP). We are encouraging anyone interested to become a board certified addiction psychologist.
We are thrilled to feature the following:
Division 50 Scientific Symposia that bring together addiction researchers and community experts
- Diversity Considerations in Psychotherapy for Substance Use Disorders
- Community input & health technology boosts engagement for marginalized & minoritized populations
- Achieving Health Equity in the Continuum of Care for POC: The Contributions of Lived Experience
- Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Youth Substance Use, Impaired Driving, and Mental Health
Skill-Building Sessions for Clinicians
- Group treatment for the concerned family members of individuals with substance use disorders
- Harm Reduction Homework: Motivational Interviewing as Self Help to Bolster Session Goals
[APA reserves the right to change session times and locations. Please consult the official Convention program for final details. Sessions offering CE credits have been reviewed and approved by the American Psychological Association Office of Continuing Education in Psychology (CEP) and the Continuing Education Committee (CEC) to offer CE credits for psychologists. The CEP Office and the CEC maintain responsibility for the delivery of the programs.]
Critical conversations on cutting edge issues to move health equity forward in the realm of addiction
research and treatment
• Understanding Addiction Stigma: Intersections of Racism and Classism
• Engaged Conversation with Experts on Racial Trauma and Substance Misuse
Early Career Investigators Poster Session and Social Hour
SoAP is proud to sponsor three poster sessions at the Convention, including the Early Career Investigators Poster Session and Social Hour featuring up-to-date research on a broad range of addictive behaviors. Second, there will be a joint poster session co-sponsored by SoAP, Division 28 (Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse), and NIH/NIAAA where travel awardees in both Divisions will have the opportunity to share their posters. This is an excellent opportunity to reconnect with old colleagues, meet new colleagues, and engage in stimulating conversations about addiction psychology. There will also be delicious catered food – join us on Friday, August 9th, 4-6 p.m.!
SoAP Presidential Address and Business Meeting
We would like to draw your attention to our Division 50 Presidential in which Dr. Seema Clifasefi will introduce our incoming president, Dr. Susan Collins, and dive into the forefront of addiction psychology with top researchers. You won't want to miss this exciting introduction to the Society of Addiction Psychology! The Presidential Panel will be immediately followed by the SoAP Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony, and both events are open to everyone. At the business meeting, we will discuss the past year’s events to SoAP members who have made outstanding contributions to the field. Please come to hear what we have been up to and to celebrate your colleagues.
Our Collaborative Partnership with Division 28
As in previous years, we have developed our program in close collaboration with Division 28. They have an outstanding lineup planned, as do many other divisions who will be sponsored events that will be relevant to SoAP members. Be sure to check out Division 28’s events and all the Convention events that are co-listed by SoAP (Division 50) in the APA program. Please note that SoAP programming will begin at 10 a.m. on the first day of the conference, Thursday, August 8th, so please plan to arrive by Wednesday night so you don’t miss out!
We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 APA Convention in Seattle!
Resources are available for those struggling with addiction and numerous effective treatments exist. Whether you are looking for help for yourself or a loved one, we encourage you to seek out help.