Fellow status is an honor bestowed upon Society of Addiction Psychology members who have shown evidence of unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the area of addiction psychology. Fellow status requires that a person's work has had a national impact on the field of addiction psychology beyond a local, state or regional level. Visit the APA Fellows page for more information.
Society of Addiction Psychology Fellows List (Alphabetical Order)
- Abrams, David B.
- Allen, John P.
- Babor, Thomas F.
- Bates, Marsha
- Barclay, Allan G.
- Barrett, Curtis L.
- Bartholow, Bruce
- Bickel, Warren
- Bishop, F. M.
- Blane, Howard T.
- Blume, Arthur
- Brandon, Thomas
- Bray, James
- Brigham, Gregory S.
- Brown, Sandra A.
- Brown, Vivian
- Buckman, Jennifer
- Budney, Alan J.
- Calsyn, Donald A.
- Carey, Kate B.
- Carrol, Jerome F.X.
- Carroll, Kathleen M.
- Chassin, Laurie
- Cohen, Lee M.
- Cohen, Richard J.
- Colby, Suzanne M.
- Collins, Lorraine R.
- Connors, Gerard J.
- Cooper, Lynne M.
- Corrigan, John
- Cox, W. M.
- Craig, Robert J.
- Curry, Susan
- D'Amico, Elizabeth
- De Leon, George
- DiClemente, Carlo C.
- Donovan, Dennis M.
- Drobes, David
- Eiden, Rina D.
- Feldstein Ewing, Sarah W.
- Finney, John W.
- Fitzgerald, Hiram E.
- Flynn, Patrick M.
- Fromme, Kim
- Fowler, Raymond D.
- Frone, Michael R.
- Glantz, Meyer D.
- Goldman, Mark S.
- Gottdiener, William
- Grube, Joel W.
- Guydish, Joseph R.
- Halkitis, Perry N.
- Hanbury, Raymond F.
- Hatsukami, Dorothy K.
- Haug, Nancy
- Heil, Sarah H.
- Hester, Reid K.
- Higgins, Stephen T.
- Hodgins, David
- Horton, Arthur M. Jr.
- Horvath, Tom
- Huba, George J. Jr.
- Hussong, Andrea M.
- Humphreys, Keith
- Iguchi, Martin
- Johnson-Greene, Doug
- Jackson, Kristina M.
- Kadden, Ronald M.
- Kahler, Christopher W.
- Kelly, John F.
- Kilbey, Marlyne M.
- Kirby, Kimberly C.
- Kivlahan, Daniel
- Landrine, Hope
- Lang, Alan R.
- Leonard, Kenneth E.
- Leventhal, Adam
- Liddle, Howard A.
- Liese, Bruce S.
- Longabaugh, Richard H.
- Maisto, Stephen A.
- Marczinski, Cecile A.
- Margolis, Robert D.
- Marlatt, Alan G.
- Marlowe, Douglas B.
- Martens, Matthew P.
- Martin, Chris S.
- Martin, Eileen
- McCrady, Barbara S.
- McKay, Jim
- McKee, Sherry A.
- Mejchior, Lisa A.
- Miller, William R.
- Molina, Brooke S.G.
- Monti, Peter M.
- Moore, Brent
- Morales, Eduardo S.
- Murphy, James G.
- Myers, Mark G.
- Najavits, Lisa M.
- Nathan, Peter E.
- Newcomb, Michael D.
- Nixon, Sara Jo
- O'Farrell, Timothy J.
- Pantalone, David
- Parsons, Jeffrey T.
- Penick, Elizabeth C.
- Perl, Harold I.
- Perri, Michael G.
- Pihl, Robert O.
- Piotrowski, Nancy A.
- Platt, Jerome
- Pomerleau, Cynthia S.
- Pomerleau, Ovide F.
- Powell, Barbara J.
- Ray, Lara Allison
- Ray, Oakley S.
- Roll, John M.
- Rotgers, Frederick
- Rychtarik, Robert G.
- Satre, Derek
- Sayette, Michael A.
- Schulenberg, John E.
- Schuster, Charles R.
- Shaffer, Howard J.
- Sher, Kenneth J.
- Shirley, Mariela C.
- Sigmon, Stacey C.
- Simpson, Dwayne D.
- Smith, Gregory
- Sobell, Linda C.
- Sobell, Mark B.
- Sorensen, James L.
- Stanger, Catherine
- Stanton, Duncan M.
- Stitzer, Maxine L.
- Stoops, William
- Strickland, Tony L.
- Stuart, Gregory L.
- Sussman, Steven Y.
- Szapocznik, Jose
- Tapert, Susan F.
- Tarter, Ralph E.
- Teplin, Linda
- Testa, Maria
- Tucker, Jalie A.
- Vuchinich, Rudy E.
- Wall, Tamara L.
- Wallace, Barbara C.
- Wexler, Harry K.
- Wiggins, Jack G. Jr.
- Wilsnack, Sharon C.
- Winick, Charles
- Witkiewitz, Katie A.
- Young, Alice M.
- Zamboanga, Byron
- Zucker, Robert A.
- Zweben, Joan E.