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National Conference on Addiction Recovery Science: April 24-25 Call for Proposals Due Jan. 5th

News Date: Monday, November 20, 2023 - 09:45

I’m a Co-Investigator of the Collaborative Hub for Emerging Adult Recovery Research (CHEARR; PI Zajac), which is one of the R24 initiatives involved in the Consortium on Addiction Recovery Science (CoARS) – CoARS is a network of networks dedicated to advancing the science on addiction recovery. The CoARS Conference Planning committee includes myself and Drs. John Kelly, and Amy Mericle. We’re thrilled to share the call for proposals for the first annual National Conference on Addiction Recovery Science (NCARS)! This first conference will be virtual, and we plan on hosting an in-person meeting in years to come.

Attached is the full call for proposals which are due January 10th 2024. Visit the NCARS website here: CoARS Conference – Recovery Research Institute  (  We strongly encourage Division 50 members to submit a proposal for symposia, poster presentations, and/or roundtable discussions via the Submission Portal here: The cost is $95 for professionals, $30 for undergraduate and graduate students; registration link is forthcoming. Please feel free to ask any questions or for support with connecting with potential collaborators and we look forward to connecting with everyone and hearing about the science on recovery supports!


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