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Save the date: Dec. 14th APA Division 50 Gambling Disorder Webinar

News Date: Monday, November 20, 2023 - 09:45


An Overview and Introduction to Gambling Disorder and Its Treatment

Presented by Jeremiah Weinstock PhD
Thursday, December 14 @ 12PM EST/11AM CST

Please save the date. Information and links for registration to follow.

Gambling opportunities are rapidly expanding across the United States with many states legalizing sports betting, online gambling, and casinos. Gambling disorder affects about 1-2% of the general population. These individuals, their families, and communities experience significant harms due to their maladaptive gambling behavior. This workshop will review the disorder and its etiology, identify high-risk populations, and discuss evidenced-based treatment options for individuals and families.

The educational goal of this workshop is to raise awareness about gambling disorder and its treatment.

  1. Attendees will be able to describe how gambling disorder criteria are similar and dissimilar to the criteria for substance use disorders. 
  2. Attendees will be able to identify two populations that are at a higher risk of developing the disorder and identify at least two underlying factors to contribute to this increased risk.
  3. Attendees will be able to discuss how research findings about motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy generalize to clinical practice.

Baxley, C., Weinstock, J., Rash, C. J., Yalch, M. M., Borsari, B., Garner, A. A., & Benware, J. (2021). Changes in secondary outcomes in response to brief interventions for gambling problems in methadone patients. Addictive Behaviors, 120, 106953.

Potenza, M. N., Balodis, I. M., Derevensky, J., Grant, J. E., Petry, N. M., Verdejo-Garcia, A., & Yip, S. W. (2019). Gambling disorder. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 5(1), 51.

Rosen, L., Weinstock, J., & Peter, S.C. (2020). A randomized clinical trial exploring gambling attitudes, barriers to treatment, and efficacy of a brief motivational intervention among ex-offenders with disordered gambling. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 65(5),1646-1655.

This presentation is brought to you by the collaborative efforts of the division 50 Education, and Outreach and Dissemination Committees. For questions about this announcement please reach out to the chair of Outreach and Dissemination, Nicole Karst, PsyD via .

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