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JEAP Initiative

SoAP Box: 
Show and Tell

Summer 2024

The Initiative for Justice and Emerging Adult Populations (JEAP) is a project funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (R24DA051950) that aims to advance research on the effectiveness of peer recovery supports and recovery residences for emerging adults and justice-involved adults with substance use disorder. We currently have three new products/resources on the topic of lived experience.

Trainee Paper on Researchers with Lived Experience
   - Several JEAP Initiative Trainees collaborated on a paper that was recently published in Implementation Research and Practice. The paper outlines the rationale for the purposeful inclusion of researchers with lived experience (RLE) related to substance use disorder (SUD) within implementation science research studies focused on improving SUD services. Read the paper here.

Facilitation Tipsheet
   - This tipsheet outlines key points for facilitators of community boards comprised of people with lived experience to help develop productive conversations. View it here.

Video: Sharing Advice on Transitioning to a Professional Role as a Person with Lived Experience
   - This video shares advice from people with lived experience who have successfully transitioned into a professional role. We hope all who view it will be inspired by the stories of these incredible professionals who have chosen to share what helped them along their paths. Watch the video here.

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