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Treating Traumatic Stress and Substance Misuse: A Guide to Integrative Practice

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Fall 2024

Denise Hien, PhD, ABPP and Lisa Caren Litt, PhD

Check out a new book from Div 50 members Denise Hien and Lisa Caren Litt, Treating Traumatic Stress and Substance Misuse: A Guide to Integrative Practice.


 Denise Hein, PhD, ABPP         Lisa Caren Litt, PhD     

From pioneering clinician-researchers, this book provides crucial guidance for treating co-occurring concerns that virtually all therapists are likely to encounter—and many feel ill equipped to handle. Denise Hien and Lisa Caren Litt review the landscape of evidence-based treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), other trauma-related problems, and substance misuse, and present an integrative, culturally responsive framework for assessment and treatment planning. The book shows the clinician how to navigate the complexities of the treatment process while tailoring interventions flexibly and collaboratively to each client's needs. Rich clinical examples include two extended cases that run throughout the chapters. 
“This well-written book gives practical and valuable guidance to help clinicians at all levels in treating individuals suffering from trauma-related sequelae and substance use disorders. The book addresses many of the critical decision points and dilemmas that come up during the treatment of this complex patient population.” — Kathleen Brady, MD, PhD, Distinguished University Professor, Medical University of South Carolina; Director, South Carolina Clinical and Translational Research Institute

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