Clinical Translation Submission Guidelines
SoAP Box:
Clinical Pearls
Fall 2024
Div. 50 Outreach and Dissemination Committee
Clinical Translation
Instructions for New Submissions
Focus: Do you have any recently published works that you wish you would have had more room in the manuscript to discuss clinical implications and applications? We would love for you all to share recently published work in this area and give us more information about how your research findings could be useful for clinicians.
A. Clinical Translations articles will be focused on at least one of the following:
1. A translation of basic research into a new clinical intervention for addiction psychologists.
2. A translation of addiction psychology research from a lab to a real-world setting.
3. A translation of practical problems in the treatment of addictive disorders to research settings
B. Drafting your contribution:
1. Provide a brief contextualization of the research problem addressed in the focal article.
2. Describe the methodology and main findings of the study reported in the focal article.
3. Discuss the how this research translates to/from the chosen translational topic (Section A above).
4. Limit submissions to ~1000 words
C. Provide the following information in a word document 4 weeks before the general submission deadline for SoAP Box contributions, to allow time for review and editing.
1. Title of Focal Article
2. Link to Focal Article
3. Name of the Contributor
4. A Professional Headshot
5. Contributor Biography (e.g., organization, your experience working in the addictions field, areas of research or clinical interest)
6. Content of your contribution
As you prepare your article, keep the following information in mind: