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2023 Annual APA Convention

Washington DC

Health Misinformation and Addiction

August 3 - 5, 2023

Washington DC

We hope you are as excited about the 2023 APA Convention as we are! The Convention will take place August 3-5 in Washington, DC

Registration is OPEN and can be done here:  

We have an excellent lineup of Division 50 programming that includes divisional and co-sponsored symposia, posters, critical conversations, and skill-building sessions elevating SoAP’s 2023 theme, “Health Misinformation and Addiction,” which was chosen by SoAP’s 2023 President, Dr. Aaron Weiner. Additionally, Div 50 is hosting the following special events:

Early Career Investigators Poster Session and Social Hour

SoAP is proud to sponsor three poster sessions at the Convention, including the Early Career Investigators Poster Session and Social Hour featuring up-to-date research on a broad range of addictive behaviors. This event is cosponsored by SoAP, Division 28 (Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse) and NIH, and is an excellent way to reconnect with old colleagues, meet new colleagues, and engage in stimulating conversations about addiction psychology. As if all that isn’t enough, there will also be delicious catered food. Join us on Friday, August 4th, 5-7pm!

SoAP Business Meeting

At the business meeting, we will discuss the past year’s activities of the Executive Board and all SoAP committees, as well as distribute awards to SoAP members who have made outstanding contributions to the field. Please come to hear what we have been up to and to celebrate your colleagues.

We look forward to seeing you at the 2023 APA Convention in Washington, DC!

All the best,

2023 APA Planning Committee

The complete program is here  You can narrow it by division. This flyer includes the programming with Division 50 as primary (with the exception of the NIDA/NIAAA poster session and social). We are colisting several other sessions which you can see in the complete program.

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