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T32 in Behavioral Oncology Moffitt Cancer Center

News Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2025 - 09:00

Postdoctoral Training in Behavioral Oncology Program

The H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, invites applications to its post-doctoral training program in behavioral oncology. This NCI-supported T32 interdisciplinary training program is designed to prepare fellows for careers as independent investigators engaged in research on behavioral aspects of cancer prevention, detection and control. The program combines a specialized curriculum (formal didactic training and one-on-one interactions with experienced mentors) with research experience (participation in funded studies under the guidance of an experienced investigator).

The ideal candidate is highly motivated to pursue a career in behavioral oncology. We are particularly interested in candidates with an interest in cancer prevention and early detection, sociocultural issues in cancer prevention and control, disparities in cancer care and outcomes, quality of life and symptom management in cancer survivors, energy balance, psychosocial and behavioral aspects of cancer genomics and genetics, nicotine dependence and tobacco control, and health system and provider aspects of cancer prevention and control. A record of peer-reviewed publications, including first authorships, is preferred but not required.


A strong mentoring and career development program is in place in the Division of Population Science. Training faculty include: Doratha (Armen) Byrd, PhD, MPH, Margaret Byrne, PhD, Tiffany Carson, PhD, MPH, Shannon Christy, PhD, Issam El Naqa, PhD, Anna Giuliano, PhD, Brian Gonzalez, PhD, Clement Gwede, PhD, MPH, RN, Heather Jim, PhD, Peter Kanetsky, PhD, MPH, Dinorah Martinez Tyson, PhD, MPH, MA, Cathy Meade, PhD, RN, FAAN, Usha Menon, PhD, Dana Rollison, PhD, Matthew Schabath, PhD, Vani Simmons, PhD, Marilyn Stern, PhD, Kea Turner, PhD, MPH, MA, Susan Vadaparampil, PhD, MPH, Damon Vidrine, PhD, MS, Jennifer Vidrine, PhD, MS, Christine Vinci, PhD


  • Participate in mentored research training and T32 program activities

  • Acquire a basic understanding of the prevention, detection, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer

  • Acquire an understanding of major areas of study in behavioral oncology

  • Gain expertise in methodologies needed to conduct behavior oncology research

  • Critically review and evaluate research in behavioral oncology

  • Acquire an understanding of fundamental issues regarding the responsible conduct of research

  • Formulate a novel research question in behavioral oncology and design a methodologically sound study and grant application to answer the question

  • Expand awareness of career opportunities and pathways in behavioral oncology


Applicants must have a terminal degree (PhD, EdD, ScD, DPH or MD) in a social science, a behavioral science, nursing, education, public health or medicine and be committed to a career in behavioral oncology research. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents.


  • Diverse faculty and transdisciplinary environment

  • Trainees linked with a mentoring team

  • Support for further training and professional development

  • Access to resources provided by Moffitt’s Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

  • Competitive salary and benefits

  • $3000 NIH annual childcare benefit

  • NIH supported program


Interested applicants should visit our website if they would like to learn more about the training program, the program mentors, and the application process. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until positions are filled. Fellowships are for 2 years. Support for tuition, books, software and conference travel is available.

Please visit the following website for application instructions:

You may send application inquiries and curriculum vitae to:

Bianca Augusto

Moffitt Cancer Center

12902 USF Magnolia Drive


Tampa, FL 33612-9497

OR e-mail:


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