News Date: Thursday, January 30, 2025 - 15:45
THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT SCHOOL OF MEDICINE is seeking a social, personality, clinical or health psychologist with interests in daily process/experience sampling methods and their applications to alcohol use, chronic pain, stress and coping, or other daily behaviors and experiences. As part of this NIAAA-funded postdoctoral fellowship through UConn School of Medicine’s Alcohol Research Center (ARC), fellows will work with existing and ongoing data sets related to alcohol use and other daily outcomes in a variety of populations. Experience in multi-level modeling (e.g., HLM) or other longitudinal techniques is desirable, but not essential. Fellows must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and possess a doctoral degree. Salary is determined by NRSA regulations. Reviews start immediately and will continue on a rolling basis.
Please send a CV, three recommendation letters, recent publications, and a cover letter describing research interests and career plans to: Howard Tennen:
Resources are available for those struggling with addiction and numerous effective treatments exist. Whether you are looking for help for yourself or a loved one, we encourage you to seek out help.