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Penn State Harrisburg - Tenure Track clinical faculty openings

News Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2024 - 11:15

Penn State Harrisburg is seeking applicants for two faculty positions in the School of Behavioral Sciences & Education. They are both tenure-track positions - one at the assistant level and one at the associate or professor level. We are looking for candidates with a doctoral degree in clinical and/or counseling psychology. Candidates with expertise in neuropsychology or substance use and/or addictive behaviors will be given special consideration. 

Penn State Harrisburg is home to the Douglas W. Pollock Center for Addiction Outreach and Research, a multidisciplinary center committed to working with community-based organizations to address substance use disorder and its impact. We have a number of funded research projects and we hope to bring in newly hired faculty to the impactful work we are doing. The Center also works closely with researchers at the Penn State College of Medicine's Penn State Addiction Center for Translation, so there are a number of collaborative opportunities for faculty in the addiction field. 

For complete announcements and to apply, go to:

Assistant level

Associate or full level

Inquiries regarding the position and application can be directed to the chairs of each search committee.


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