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Developing culturally-competent intake and case conceptualization tool for graduate students

News Date: Thursday, July 15, 2021 - 15:15

Greetings! You are invited to participate in a research study on an intake assessment and case conceptualization tool our study team has developed for training clinicians. Specifically, we have developed a tool that provides junior clinicians with specific language on how to conduct a culturally conscious, trauma-informed intake assessment, as well as to integrate key cultural aspects into case conceptualization and treatment planning. 

Given that this tool is still in development, we are asking clinical and counseling psychologists, as well as clinical and counseling doctoral trainees to provide feedback on the tool before piloting it within training programs. This will entail reading through the intake assessment and case conceptualization tools and then providing feedback via a survey after you have viewed each. 

If you choose to participate, we anticipate this study should last approximately 30 minutes. For your time, you will be compensated with a $10 electronic gift card. 

Please use the following link to participate in this study: 

If you have any questions about this study, please feel free to reach out to the study’s Principal Investigator, Dr. Kelly LeMaire, Ph.D., directly at

IRB Protocol Number: 2021-615; 2021-1007 

Study Titles: Development and evaluation of culturally competent intake and case conceptualization tools for clinical psychology training programs; Supplement to Development and evaluation of culturally competent intake and case conceptualization tools for clinical psychology training programs 

Thank you for your consideration!




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