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APA Poster Session & Social Hour - pre-registration open - posters viewable

News Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 - 11:15

The time is drawing near – it’s almost time for our Early Career Poster Session & Social Hour: Friday, August 7, 4:00-6:00pm EST!  This event is hosted by Division 50 and 28, funded by NIAAA and NIDA, and done in collaboration with Divisions 38, 5 and 25.  

As you know, this event has been happening at the annual convention of the APA for the past 13+ year.  This year for the first time we are holding it as a 2-hr virtual session.  I invite you all join us to celebrate our selected awardees, and to get together to share science and connect during these turbulent times.  

To this end, I wanted to share three things with you:

Pre-registration is not required, but by completing this short form, you make it easier for us to get in touch with you if we experience any technological glitches.  It also helps us track the reach of this event.  

We are still uploading posters as we are getting them, but with some luck we’ll have all posters ready for your perusal by the end of the week.

There is no registration cost, and no requirements for APA registration.  Everyone is welcome!

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