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Announcing: CPA 2021 Virtual Format

News Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2021 - 15:15

We are excited to announce that the annual Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction 2021 meeting will be held virtually this year! The meeting will occur Wednesday March 17ththrough Friday March 20th. We hope to host a future meeting in Portland, Oregon. Our priority is to provide a safe and positive conference experience that will incorporate many aspects of CPA that have become pillars of the conference over the last several years, including the mentorship lunch and wellness activities. 

The meeting will be synchronous, thus in order to accommodate a virtual format spanning multiple time-zones, we will be adjusting the start and end times for meeting days. Moreover, we have shifted the meeting dates back half a day so that the entirety of the meeting occurs during the work-week rather than occurring on the weekend, during which many of us have pandemic-imposed responsibilities that could preclude attendance. The CPA 2021 Virtual Poster Session will be presented via Twitter (exact dates and times to be determined).

We are making efforts to accommodate as many attendees as possible as we navigate planning CPA in a new format, and we appreciate your understanding and support during these unprecedented times. 

As always, CPA will include a fantastic lineup of virtual symposia, keynotes, and panels. Thank you again for your support – we look forward to seeing everyone (virtually) in March!



CPA Program Leadership Team

Program Co-Chairs: Elizabeth Aston and Priscilla Lui

Logistics Chair: Michael Amlung

Student Trainee Chair: Keanan Joyner

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