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CPA Poster Submission

Poster Overview:

For full details, consult the Call for Poster Proposals section of the main CPA2025 website.

The CPA2025 conference will include multiple poster sessions. Presenters will be provided with poster size requirements after acceptance. The lead presenter on the poster must submit an abstract (max 250 words) that describes the poster, including background, methodology, results, and discussion/conclusions. See the review criteria below for additional information about how abstracts will be adjudicated so that you can address the required points accordingly.

First-Author Submission Policy for CPA2025: 

To increase opportunity for more attendees to present posters at the CPA 2025 conference, poster submissions are limited to one abstract per first-author. Although attendees may be listed as co-authors on multiple abstracts, you may only submit one poster abstract as first author.

Peer Review Process & Evaluation Criteria:

The CPA 2025 Program Committee aims to be as transparent as possible considering the peer review process. Poster submissions will be peer-reviewed by a minimum of 2 doctoral level reviewers. Submissions will be rated according to four review criteria. 
  1. Overall Quality/Importance: Justify that the study addresses significant research questions
  2. Innovation/Originality: Indicate that the study yields novel knowledge in addiction psychology
  3. Approach/Methodology: Summarize rigorous and sound research methods
  4. Diversity Considerations: Discuss relevance to underrepresented and minoritized groups, issues related to generalizability, and/or implications for research with diverse populations
Each criterion is rated on a scale from 1-7, (1 = very good / high priority; 2 = good; 3-5 = average; 6 = poor; 7 = very poor / low priority / no mention of diversity considerations). An average score across the reviewers is generated for each submission. Abstracts with high discrepancy in scores will be reviewed by an additional reviewer. 


Lead Presenter
e.g., Assistant Professor, Student
Enter name and degree of each co-presenter. Separate multiple co-presenters with a comma, (ex. Joe Smith PhD, Jane Doe MA, Bill Jones BA). Enter "none' if no co-presenters.
Financial Disclosures
About The Session
(100 character maximum, PLEASE USE ALL CAPS)
(250 word maximum)
Registration Waivers and Travel Awards
Your first-authored submission will be considered for one of the registration waivers or travel awards. Only members of APA Division 50 are eligible to receive travel awards (includes Member or Student Affiliate status). Graduate student trainees or postdoctoral fellows who identify as members of an underrepresented minority group and have limited financial resources to attend the conference may be selected for one of the diversity registration waivers or travel awards. You may provide answers for the following voluntarily in order to be considered.
(e.g., person of color, person with a disability, member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning community)
To demonstrate financial need, applicants should describe any financial resources they have to attend CPA, including personal grant funds / scholarships / fellowships, graduate school travel funding, supervisor/advisor funds, etc. (approximately 3-4 sentences)
Poster Awards
This award honors research projects that demonstrate the integration of local knowledge, community needs, and collaborative methodologies in addressing addiction. Particular focus will be paid to research that enhances community capacity to address the topic being investigated.
We encourage posters that present findings from translational intervention or prevention-focused clinical trials or studies that translate laboratory or basic addiction science research into actionable prevention approaches, treatments, or policies in addiction care.
We are seeking research that seeks to better understand the impacts of addictions during childhood and later life and that addresses unique challenges faced by individuals in these periods of the life-course.
This award (selected by the CPA Diversity Committee) seeks to honor posters that address issues relevant to underrepresented and minoritized groups, grapple with challenges related to generalizability, and highlight the implications of their research for advancing our understanding of diverse populations, fostering inclusivity, and promoting equity in psychological research and practice.

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