Poster Overview:
For full details, consult the Call for Poster Proposals section of the main CPA2025 website.
The CPA2025 conference will include multiple poster sessions. Presenters will be provided with poster size requirements after acceptance. The lead presenter on the poster must submit an abstract (max 250 words) that describes the poster, including background, methodology, results, and discussion/conclusions. See the review criteria below for additional information about how abstracts will be adjudicated so that you can address the required points accordingly.
First-Author Submission Policy for CPA2025:
To increase opportunity for more attendees to present posters at the CPA 2025 conference, poster submissions are limited to one abstract per first-author. Although attendees may be listed as co-authors on multiple abstracts, you may only submit one poster abstract as first author.
Peer Review Process & Evaluation Criteria:
- Overall Quality/Importance: Justify that the study addresses significant research questions
- Innovation/Originality: Indicate that the study yields novel knowledge in addiction psychology
- Approach/Methodology: Summarize rigorous and sound research methods
- Diversity Considerations: Discuss relevance to underrepresented and minoritized groups, issues related to generalizability, and/or implications for research with diverse populations