Although Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBTs) is an "evidence-based" approach, even the most experienced and skillful cognitive-behavioral therapists understand from experience that CBT doesn't always work. The purpose of this clinical conference call is to focus on CBT processes and content in order to identify common, often undetected, problems in the provision of CBT. We consider various potential reasons for treatment failure without blaming the patient. We discuss structure, collaboration, case conceptualization, psychoeducation, and techniques, as well as potential problems that often occur in each of these areas.

Bruce S. Liese, PhD, ABPP is Professor of Family Medicine and Psychiatry and Clinical Director of the Cofrin Logan Center for Addiction Research and Treatment at the University of Kansas. Dr. Liese has more than 75 publications and he has co-authored two texts with Dr. Aaron Beck. In 2015 Dr. Liese received the Distinguished Career Contributions to Education and Training award from APA Division 50 as recognition for his excellence in teaching and his deep commitment to education.
1. Participants will be able to describe at least five common problems that readily lead to CBT not working
2. Participants will be able to identify the five essential components of effective CBT