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CBT: It's Not What you Think

Date of Call: 
Friday, January 8, 2016
Bruce Liese, PhD, ABPP
Program Description: 

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) was initially introduced as a treatment for acute psychological problems (e.g., depression, anxiety, phobias). As time has passed CBT has been applied to increasingly complex, chronic problems (e.g., personality disorders, substance use disorders, serious mental illnesses). Research and practice with individuals suffering from these complex disorders has led to notable changes in the way CBT is practiced. For example, more attention is now paid to the therapeutic relationship and case conceptualization (including the development of these mental health problems). At the same time, specific techniques and psychoeducation have been less emphasized. In this one-hour conference, changes in CBT over the past 40 years are presented and participants are taught specific strategies for addressing acute and chronic mental health problems.

Presentation File: 
Speaker Bio: 

Bruce S. Liese, PhD, ABPP is Professor of Family Medicine and Psychiatry at the University of Kansas Medical Center and Courtesy Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Kansas. He is a fellow of the American Psychological Association, Divisions 50 (Addictions) and 29 (Psychotherapy).  Dr. Liese serves as President-elect of APA Division 50 (Society of Addiction Psychology). Dr. Liese is a researcher, teacher, clinical supervisor, and clinician. Presently Dr. Liese teaches courses on addictive behaviors, psychotherapy, and evidence-based practice in psychology (EBPP) and he supervises more than a dozen psychotherapy trainees. In 2015 he received the Distinguished Career Contributions to Education and Training award from APA Division 50.

Learning Objectives: 

As a result of participating in this CE program, learners will be able to describe and explain:

1. Changes that have occurred in the provision of CBT over the past 40 years

2. The five components of CBT: structure, collaboration, case conceptualization, psychoeducation, and practice

3. Similarities and differences in CBT for acute and chronic mental health problems

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