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Outreach for participants in dissertation research

News Date: Saturday, December 7, 2019 - 14:15

I am a doctoral student from Alliant International University San Francisco and this is a letter of invitation to participate in my dissertation research.  My study is addressing doctoral trainees’ and psychologists training on substance use disorders among Black American emerging adults.  The purpose of this research study is to understand training, cultural awareness, and comfort among clinical and counseling doctoral trainees when providing clinical intervention for Black American emerging adults with substance use disorders.

To participate in the study, I am seeking doctoral trainees in good standing at a clinical and counseling psychology program located in the United States, or completed a doctoral psychology program accredited by the American Psychological Association in good standing at the time they complete the study.  The study consists of a 30-minute online questionnaire.  Agreeing to participate in the study is voluntary, and you may choose to not participate at anytime without penalty.  No identifiable information will be connected to your responses.

If you believe you meet the eligibility requirements and choose to participate in the study, please click the link at the bottom of this email where you will be directed to the online questionnaire on Qualtrics.  If you know of others who meet the eligibility requirements please feel free to forward this message to share the link.  The first screen of the questionnaire is the informed consent agreement for the principal investigator to include your answers in the research data.  Once you provide consent, you’ll be directed to the questionnaire.  All participants will be offered the opportunity to enter to win a $50 Visa Gift at the completion of the questionnaire. 

If you would like to participate in this study, you can access the questionnaire from this link:

If you have any further questions after participating from this study, please contact the Principal Investigator, Jevon Rice at  or the Dissertation Chair, Dr. Amber Landers at


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